The Training of the Professional Who Cares for Older People in Social Assistance Establishments

  • Jaqueline Guadalupe Guerrero Ceh Universidad Autónoma de Campeche
  • Mariajose Sánchez de la Rosa Universidad Autónoma de Campeche


Given the increase in the number of older people, and the increase in the loneliness index, the need arises for people to go to a social assistance establishment to receive professional care. However, what is the training that caregivers have in nursing homes? The hypothesis presented here was that caregivers lack training in geriatric patient care. The objective of this work, therefore, was to analyze the level of training that staff have in the care they provide to the geriatric patient in residences of this type. It was an investigation with a qualitative approach, descriptive, cross-sectional scope, and a convenience sample of 18 people. The sample was specifically integrated by 13 caregivers of nursing homes and five workers of the Instituto de Seguridad y Servicios Sociales de los Trabajadores del Estado (Issste). It was developed in three stages: situational diagnosis, the design and delivery of a workshop, and a diploma proposal for caregivers. Regarding the professional profile of the participants, 28% are nurses, 28 % gerontologists, 12 % geriatric nurses, 17 % technicians and nursing assistants, 5 % doctors, 5 % graduates in Economics and 5 % with a bachelor's degree. Thus, of the total sample, 29 % lack training and 71% have some training for their function. As part of the research, a workshop was applied, and the proposal of a diploma for caregivers was made. Among the conclusions, the planned hypothesis is accepted, since only 40 % have training in geriatric patient care; 71 % have training in the health area, and 29 % lack courses in the geriatric patient care area. Finally, the total of the participants was satisfied by the workshop. However, it is important to continue with the training of geriatric caregivers in two lines: knowledge and mental health of the caregiver.
How to Cite
Guerrero Ceh, J. G., & Sánchez de la Rosa, M. (2020). The Training of the Professional Who Cares for Older People in Social Assistance Establishments. RICS Revista Iberoamericana De Las Ciencias De La Salud, 9(18), 1 - 26.
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