Observaci?n y documentaci?n de un modelo de medicina tradicional y complementaria en M?xico

  • Erika Leyva Mendoza Congregación Mariana Trinitaria A.C.
  • Martín Alberto Rodríguez Brindis Universidad Anáhuac de Oaxaca


The use of traditional medicine in Mexico is a fact. The lack of access to health systems, sociocultural aspects and lack of trust in allopath medicine of communities with ancestral knowledge on the topics, makes very relevant the study of these non-allopath medicines. This work is the systematic and scientific observation of an attention model by Congregaci?n Mariana Trinitaria (CMT) in two periods of attention: Oaxaca and Sonora. The aim is to register the intervention in order to determine whether there is a model or protocol of attention, as well as to identify defined therapeutic techniques. The relevance of this study lies in the direct observation by an allopath physician of 60 interventions with an instrument that include both the acceptance of the patients as well as entry and exit interviews with the purpose of considering the impact of the intervention in the feeling of wellbeing of the participant. The sample is made up of patients attending for the first time, which allows to identify if there is an existing acting protocol and thus a model per se.  The results demonstrate the identification of four stages with well defined techniques and a feeling of wellbeing in most of the patients. This study of methodical observation of a CMT Health Mode is a first step of the investigation of a non-allopath medicine that has treated several patients, which is why direct contact is fundamental.
How to Cite
Leyva Mendoza, E., & Rodríguez Brindis, M. A. (2021). Observaci?n y documentaci?n de un modelo de medicina tradicional y complementaria en M?xico. RICS Revista Iberoamericana De Las Ciencias De La Salud, 10(19), 30 - 49. https://doi.org/10.23913/rics.v10i19.96
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